It’s not enough to just say who your target audience is. Find out which websites they visit and which social networks they most frequently check. Are they glued to their email? Are they addicted to apps? The information you put together for your customer profile, combined with knowing where your audience hangs out online or how they use technology, will facilitate the delivery of your message.
After performing research, you’ll want to create a customer profile. This is more than a brief statement; it’s an in-depth description of who your typical customer may be and includes demographic and psycho-graphic information:
Demographic information: This may include age, gender, location, ethnic background, marital status, income, and more.
Psycho-graphic information: This type of information goes beyond the “external” and identifies more about a customer’s psychology, interests, hobbies, values, attitudes behaviours, lifestyle, and more.
Both types of information are essential for developing your customer profile. Demographic information will help you identify the type of person who will potentially buy your products and services. Psycho-graphic information goes one step further and nails down why that potential customer may buy.
3.) Develop a customer profile
4.) Find out where your potential audience is
5.) Find out where your potential audience is
The work doesn't simply end after you've identified your target audience. It’s essential to continually perform research to stay current on market and industry trends and your competition. It’s also important to see if and how your current and potential customers evolve. Before you begin marketing to your potential customers, make sure you know how you are going to track sales, interactions, requests for information, and more. All of these touch points are important to record. This information will help you identify trends, patterns, and possible areas of improvement, which will continually help your marketing efforts as your business matures.