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Counseling older Adults

Counseling older Adults
Cheyenne Gray
Kristen Watson
Sometimes looked at as a liability to society 
 ○ They only spend their children's money
 ○ Just nostalgic and aren't in touch with what's currently going on 
 ○ They're all alike
 ○ They have different types of dementia and their health only declines as they get older.
Stereoyypes of older adults
 New perspectives on older adults
○ Research says that cognition and memory continues to develop as adults get older 
 ○ Young people tend to stay the same as older people are different
 ○ Gerontologists changed the way they studied older people

  •  Up until the 1950s gerontologists didn't see past child and adolescent development
  •  Carl Jung
  • Donald Super
  • Erik Erikson
  • Joan Erkison
  • Robert Butler
Life span theories
  •  Physical and Cognitive Capacities
    • From different studies, it is shown that most older adults don’t have a hard time memorizing things and all of them are not physically incapable.
  •  Psychological Development 
    •  Static
    • The disengagement theory
Developmental Charecteristics
The Counseling Needs of older adults

    • May think they are Useless, weak or incapable of learning new skills
    •  60s-70s
  •  80s-90s
Charecteristics of Older Adults
Now older with no children 
No work = more time spent 
 One spouse can become extremely ill and needs a caregiver
changes in spousal Relationships
 Changing intergenerational relationships 
Young adults going back home
Different life expectancy
 More grandparents are parenting 
Divorced parents
New roles in grand parenting
○ Changing perspectives towards Siblings
Life brings new appreciation
 75% of older adults are physically limited in one way or another
      Strengthen other parts of themselves and Try to become healthier
COPING with physical Disabilities
"Everybody ain't able" - Cheyenne's grandmother
 Coping with diminishing financial resources
The Counseling process
  • Transference is when the client has feelings towards the counselor
  • Countertransference is when the counselor has feelings for the client 
  • By using the transference relationship, as a counselor you become more affective with older adult clients to help them with their issues
  • Help empower adults to gain control of their lives
  • Older clients tend to have their own goals 
  • Seeking out support groupsof entities
Counseling #Goals
Transference and Counterference
Encouraging client actions
retired teachers can become tutors

the partnership 
 Searching for new opportunities for growth and change
Knight says that clients feel reassured by termination . Therapist feel reluctant to end session because they feel they are fragile to deal with problems
  • Life reviews aren’t up to just the therapist . 
  • Clients can experience a relapse or come across a new emotion 
  • Personal construct theory can best be applied
Life Reviews and termination
Special Problems
  • Depression
Adults ages 65 and up have the highest rate on suicides. Some factors that add to this is loss of a loved one, severe losses, prolonged
What does counseling try to do to stop suicide?
Elder Abuse
and Caregivers
  • High rate of abuse
  • 81% witnessing an abuse from caregivers
  • Powerless equals Silence
  • Consultations with families of older adults . 
  • Living dependency .
  • Help children know when to lay off or step in
Caregivers(job or a career) 
What short –term can lead too .
 what long – term can lead too

What do you think is the best way to terminate a counseling relationship with an older adults?
  • Nugent, F. A., & Jones, K. D. (2009). Introduction to the Profession of Counseling (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Kevin M. Davis.
  • Sharkey, N. (2016, April 11). Cunseling Older Adults [Telephone interview].
  • Tonsberg. (n.d.). An Analysis and Critique of the Theory of Gerotranscendence . Retrieved April 14, 2016, from
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