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Tegan's Meso Preso Money & Trade

Meso Preso
Money & Trade 
By: Tegan
Types of money 
Block Money
This is an employment contract
This is a recipt for clothes
This is a daily salary
This is a block that represents the transport of cattle
Item That Mesopotamians Traded
Thoughts & Ideas
Exotic foods
Drawings Of Trade In Mesopotamia
Why Is Money & Trade Important
Money and trade are important because if we never traded anything wether it being thoughts, goods or services , then we would never discover money or  even learn about other civilization or thoughts and ideas and improve our own. Trade also creates money and when you trade, you make more money or you get  a thought, good or service. We make money  and  learn by trading and if  money or trading didn't exist, then there wouldn't be anything  to trade or to keep or to learn or improve everything would be the same and  there wouldn't be any way of knowing other civilizations or ideas. 
How Does Money & Trade Affect Us Now?
Money and trade has and still is helping us for millions and millions of years. It has helped us look farther and know much more than our own civilization. Trade has  let us know what else is out there rather than the same  goods, same services and same ideas and people. Trade has let us have the possibility of   meeting other people and knowing how they live in their civilizations and what they do. Trade builds bonds and starts friendships. Money is a big deal in our civilization and all around the world. Without money you wouldn't to be able to afford  many things but you would be able to buy anything . When  you trade something, you first have to either import it from somewhere else or you buy the materials and make it yourself but you wouldn't be able to do that without money. Money and trade go together, without one you sometimes can't have the other. 
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