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Denise Ortiz King Tut Project

King tut
In November 11, 1925 Howard Carter discovered King Tut's tomb. King Tut was one of the pharaoh's that ruled Ancient Egypt. The helpers  of Howard Carter like  Reis Ahmed  discovered King Tut's name by reading the hieroglyphics/symbols that were on King Tut's tomb. Tutankhamen was the name that the hieroglyphics said. That is King Tutankhamen  full name or you can call him ( King Tut for short). Howard Carter Discovered King Tut's tomb. According to the author " Everyone had recognized that there was no archaeologist better able to do the job than Howard Carter" (Page 1 paragraph 4). This means that Howard Carter discovered King Tut and everyone had recognized that it was true that Howard Carter had discovered king Tut.
By: Denise Ortiz
King tut's Discovery 
Where did this happened at During the Discovery of King Tut's and his tomb.
Howard Carter Discovered King Tut's tomb in Egypt in king Tut's hidden tomb. When Howard Carter found king tut's tomb he tried to open the coffin but when he opened it there was a second coffin. What happened was that he had to open the coffin with rope to try to see king Tut's body.  According to the author " When Howard Carter lifted the lid from the first coffin, he found the second coffin wrapped in a linen shroud. The second coffin had to be pulled out of the first with ropes and pulleys before its lid could be removed" (page 2 the picture caption) This means that king tut's coffin was heavy to open so that Howard Carter could try to see king Tut's body. 

(King Tut's tomb) 
Why did king Tut's mask looked sad?
Howard Carter found King Tut's tomb. When Howard Carter opened the tomb of King Tut he thought that king tut's masked face looked sad and gentle. King Tut's mask looked sad and gentle as if he had not expected death to come so soon. That is what Howard Carter said. I think that King Tut looked sad because he did not expect death to come so soon to him.   According to the author " The face on Tutankhamen's mask looked sad and gentle. It was, Carter thought, the face of one who had not expected death to come so soon." (page 6 paragraph 4) This means that Howard Carter thought that King tut did not expect death to come so soon to him. 
( King Tut's Coffin lid)
How did king tut die?
I think That King Tut may of died by a chariot accident. I think that King Tut might of died in a chariot accident because the scientist discovered that king Tut had a lot of bone damages. Which made the scientist think and say that King Tut may of died by a chariot accident.  I think King Tut died this way because in the other article (Research indicates the boy king mostly likely died as a result of genetic impairments which weakened his body) does not explain how king Tut has a lot of bone damages.  How could a genetic impairment can explain the broken bones of king Tut.
 This is why I think King tut may of died by a chariot accident. According to the Article (Did King Tut Die in a Chariot Accident?) " most involving
(King Tut's Coffin)
traumatic injuries due to the broken nature of his mummy. This latest hypothesis isn’t the first time experts have suspected a chariot accident, What makes this theory different from the others is how the archaeologists think Tut was killed by a chariot—that the pharaoh wasn’t riding the chariot but was struck by one while kneeling on the ground. (Page 1 paragraph 3 and 4) This means that King tut may of died by a chariot accident and the scientist think to this explains why there is bone damage on King Tut mummy body. The other article does not explain why King Tut has damaged/broken bones and this article does. This is why I think that King Tut may of die by a chariot accident. 
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